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The availability settings allow you to specify when you can be booked through your booking link. This ensures that you are only booked when you actually have time. Never be booked again during a break, vacation, or outside your business hours!

How to set up your availability

In your meetergo Account, go to your Availabilities.
There you will see an overview of your availabilities. We have automatically created an availability for you. This is applied by default to your appointment types.
Click on the default availability to edit it with immediate effect.

You can also create multiple availability rules and assign them to multiple appointment types. This allows you to easily manage your availability for different use cases. The default availability is automatically assigned to new appointment types.

Adjust regular working hours

On the left side, we adjust our regular working hours.

Adjust working hours

To adjust the time, click on the time and select the desired time. By clicking the "Copy" button (next to the +), you can copy the time to other days to save you some clicking 😉

Copy availabilities with just a few clicks

Click the + button to split the time of a day. This allows you to block your break times, for example.

Split availability

Click the toggle next to the days to completely deactivate or activate days.

Make days unavailable

Don't forget to save your changes after you're done!

Availability rules and exceptions

Availability rules help you flexibly manage your booking times. They allow you to set both regular working hours and special exceptions.

Tip: Use exceptions for one-time events such as vacations, holidays, or special work days outside your regular hours.

On the calendar on the right, you can see the days on which you are available according to the settings on the left side highlighted in green. By clicking on any day, you can see the availability rules that affect that day.

Here you can add new exceptions. Exceptions can block or enable specific time spans. A blocking rule is created when a red ❌ ( X ) is visible in the middle, and a green checkmark ✅ makes you available during the selected time period.

Block or enable availability

To adjust the date, click on the text field next to the Block/Enable selection.

Here you need to set the start date, start time, end date, and end time. Then click "Add Exception". The exception should become active immediately, and you can use your booking page to make sure everything is correct.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why am I available when I shouldn't be?

If you're unexpectedly available, check your availability rules and exceptions. For detailed troubleshooting, see our article on Resolving Availability Issues.

Why am I not available when I should be?

Unexpected unavailability can be due to conflicting rules or exceptions. Review your settings and refer to our guide on Fixing Unavailability Problems.

How can I specify a start date for my availability?

You can set a time span in meeting type settings, or with our availability rules. This is how you create availability rules for a specific period.

Can I set different availabilities for different appointment types?

Yes, you can create multiple availability rules and assign them to specific appointment types. This allows for flexible scheduling based on the nature of the appointment.

How do I handle time zone differences?

meetergo automatically adjusts for time zones. Ensure your account's time zone is set correctly, and the system will handle conversions for your clients.

Can I set a maximum number of appointments per day?

Yes, you can limit the number of daily appointments. This feature helps prevent overbooking and manage your workload effectively.

What happens if I need to make a last-minute change to my availability?

You can always update your availability settings or add exceptions. Any changes will apply to future bookings, but won't affect existing appointments.

Updated on: 30/09/2024

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