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Customizing your meeting form with data fields

Data fields allow you to tailor your meeting forms to gather exactly the information you need from invitees. This article will guide you through creating, adding, and managing data fields in your meetergo forms.

Creating a New Data Field

Login to your meetergo account and go to data fields
Click the "Add field" button
Choose the desired field type from the dropdown menu
Fill in the field details.

You can use the same data field across multiple forms, ensuring consistency and saving time in form creation.

Alternatively, you can create data fields directly in the meeting type form settings for quick additions.

Available Data Field Types

meetergo offers a variety of data field types to suit your information gathering needs:

Email: Collects valid email addresses. Includes built-in validation to ensure the input follows a proper email format.
Phone number: Gathers phone numbers. Can be configured to accept various formats or specific country codes.
Single line input: A versatile field for collecting short text responses such as names, titles, or brief answers.
Multi-line input: Allows for longer text entries, perfect for comments, descriptions, or detailed responses.
URL input: Designed to collect web addresses. Includes validation to ensure the input is a properly formatted URL.
Numeric input: Accepts only numerical values. Useful for gathering quantitative data like age, quantity, or ratings.
Dropdown: Presents a list of predefined options for the user to choose from. Ideal when you want to limit responses to specific choices.
Radio input: Similar to dropdown, but displays all options at once. Best for when you want users to see all available choices simultaneously and select only one.
Single checkbox: A simple yes/no or agree/disagree option. Useful for consent forms or simple confirmations.
Multiple checkbox: Allows users to select multiple options from a list. Great for "select all that apply" scenarios.
Funnel slide: A visual slider that allows users to input a value within a predefined range. Useful for ratings or scale-based questions.
File (coming soon): Allow the invitee to upload a file.

Each of these field types can be customized with labels, placeholder text, and validation rules to ensure you're collecting the exact information you need in the format you prefer. By combining these various field types, you can create comprehensive and user-friendly forms tailored to your specific meeting requirements.

Adding Data Fields to Your Form

To add data fields to your meeting form:

Go to your meeting type settings
Select "Invitee Questions"
Choose the data fields you want to add from the available options

Using Data Fields in Notifications

Data fields can be seamlessly integrated into your notification templates, allowing you to personalize your messages with information provided by your invitees. This feature makes your communications more relevant and engaging. Here's how to use data fields in your notifications:

Identify the data field ID: Each data field has a unique identifier. You can find this ID in the data field settings. For example, a field for collecting names might have the ID "full_name".
Use the double curly brace syntax: To include a data field in your notification, wrap the field ID in double curly braces. For example: {{full_name}}
Place the field in your template: Simply insert the {{field_id}} where you want the invitee's response to appear in your message.

In addition to custom variables, there are also predefined variables available to help you personalize your forms and notifications. Find the full list of predefined variables here.

Here's an example of how you might use data fields in an email notification:

Dear {{full_name}},

Thank you for booking a {{meeting_type}} with us on {{meeting_date}}.

We look forward to discussing {{meeting_topic}} with you.

Best regards,

In this example, {{full_name}}, {{meeting_type}}, {{meeting_date}}, {{meeting_topic}}, and {{host_name}} would all be replaced with the actual information when the notification is sent.

You can use as many data fields as you need in a single template.
If an invitee doesn't provide information for an optional field, that placeholder will simply be blank in the notification.
Test your notifications to ensure they look correct with the data field placeholders filled in.

By using data fields in your notifications, you create a more personalized experience for your invitees, making your communications more effective and professional.


Can I edit a data field after creating it?

Yes, you can edit data fields at any time. Keep in mind that changes will apply to all forms using that field.

Is there a limit to how many data fields I can create?

There's no set limit on the number of data fields you can create. However, consider your invitees' experience when deciding how many fields to include in a single form.

Can I change the order of fields in my form?

Yes, you can easily reorder fields in your meeting type settings under "Invitee Questions" by dragging and dropping them into your preferred order.

Updated on: 13/09/2024

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