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Adjust corporate branding
Adjust corporate branding
Richard Gödel avatar
Verfasst von Richard Gödel
Updated over a week ago

Each user in your meetergo organization has their own booking page. On a booking page, invitees can schedule a meeting with the host.

If you want your company logo to be displayed on all booking pages, you can upload a logo for all users.

Here is an example of a booking page with the company logo on the left.

Or with the user avatar:

Adding a company logo

To add a logo, go to the company settings and select the "Change logo" option on the left side.

Once you have uploaded a logo, you can enforce this display for all users, so that your logo appears on all booking pages.

Next to the logo, you can also decide whether to enable or disable the meetergo branding.

Additionally, we offer customization options for colors and privacy settings.

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