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Authenticate with personal access tokens
Authenticate with personal access tokens

Use our API for your internal applications and automate processes.

Richard Gödel avatar
Verfasst von Richard Gödel
Updated over a week ago

meetergo allows you to easily generate a personal access token that you can use to authenticate with the meetergo API.

Your personal access token should not be shared with anyone outside your organization.

Follow these steps in order to create a personal access token and use it with our API:

  • Login to your meetergo administrator account. Go to your Admin Dashboard.

  • Click on the API Docs tile to access API documentation, or follow this link.

  • Click on the Personal Access Tokens tile to see your access tokens

  • Click on Create Token create your new access token.

In order to create your token, you must give it a unique name. You can optionally set an expiry date. After creating the token, make sure to copy it to a safe location as it cannot be shown again.


To access protected resources, your personal access token (copied in the previous step) must be provided as a Bearer token in the Authorization header in your request.

Example Header:

Authorization: Bearer <your-token-here>

Refer to our API Documentation for more detailed instructions on using API endpoints.


For security reasons, the token is not stored on our servers. This means that you cannot see your token after it was issued.

Furthermore, we recommend setting an expiry date on your tokens. After the token's expiry date, it cannot be used to authenticate to the API again.

If you would like to revoke one of your tokens, you can do so using the Revoke button next to the token. Once you revoke a token, it cannot be used to authenticate to the API.

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