Full-Day Availability

Adjust your availability so that you are fully available on one or more days.

Richard Gödel avatar
Verfasst von Richard Gödel
Updated over a week ago

If you want to use a appointment type with a duration of one day or more, you need to set up a positive availability rule. Then you can make yourself available for a longer period of time.

If you configure your appointment type as shown in the image, you may notice that no available time slots are displayed on the booking page. This is because when the appointment type duration is one day, you must also be available for the entire day.

Here's how to adjust your availability:

1. Go to the availability overview.

2. Create a new availability or edit an existing one.

3. Under "Your availability rules," click on today's date, which is highlighted in blue on the calendar.

4. A dialog box will open to create rules for the selected day. The button in the middle shows a red cross (❌). Click once on the button to change it to a green checkmark (✅). We are now creating a positive exception, which means we will be available for the selected time frame.

5. Click on the text field to select the time frame. Leave the starting point unchanged, so click on "End." Now choose a future day until when you want to be available. You can select a date several months in the future if you want to be available for a longer period of time.

6. Click on "Add exception."

7. Go back to your appointment type and make sure the correct availability is assigned under "Availability."

Now you should see available time slots on your booking page. After a booking, those time slots will be blocked in the calendar as usual.

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